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Self Servicing...

Friday, November 15, 2013 Papillon 1 Comments Category : ,

It's Friday night and I am home with a glass of wine devouring the Fall-Winter issue of Self Service magazine. This is a religious moment for me, because Self Service is my fashion bible (sorry Vogue, you're more like my fashion fix!). With two issues a year and more like a book than a magazine, Self Service really fulfills all my fashion needs, while setting the cultural zeitgeist of the moment in a brilliant and intelligent way.

As with every issue, I am in love. And that love started with the great editorial written by Suzanne Koller entitled: Questions without answer that you can even ask yourself.

And so I did... and so should you!! I'm a firm believer in self questionnaires, they make you think and analyse yourself in a way we normally don't do.

So here are my answers... hope it inspires you to answer as well!

Have a lovely weekend :)

Why do we need editorials?

To dream and be inspired.

Why do you read editorials?

To dream and be inspired, really...

Do you like to answer questions?

Yes, I honestly do. For the reasons stated above.

Do you ask yourself the right questions?

I wish I would do that more often. I am blessed to have great friends who are more likely to make the right questions than I am. Although I am constantly questioning myself, I think I make all the wrong questions more frequently than the right ones..

What is your current state of mind?

It's a mix between peace of mind and anxiety. When life suddenly seems to fall into place and everything gets quiet (meaning the noises in life) you start to feel this amazing peace, but at the same time, due to all the experience and baggage we carry, it's inevitable to feel anxious that at any given moment everything will fall apart.

Are you happy and what does happiness mean to you?

Tough question... Well, yes, I am happy, I fell happy at least. There's this new smile dancing in my face constantly, so...
Happiness for me is that smile, only because that smile only appears when I'm at peace, when I feel fulfilled (as much as any human being can, I guess). Happiness is being in touch with your inner self and recognize you have most of the things you want in life at that certain moment.

Is it more difficult to start something or to finish?

Definitely finish. I'm great at starts, not so good at finishing...

Why do you do what you do?

Well... I do love what I do. I do it because I have this need of being a part of this world that I love so much. Even though sometimes it gets difficult to continue to love this world with all the bad moments that come with the job, at the end of the day there's no better feeling than looking at something I did, something I was a part of and accomplished, with proud. There's this amazing high that I can't get enough of.

Why is what you do worth doing?

Exactly because of that high, that little moment of proud. Like when I'm organizing an event, my favorite moment is right in the middle, when I look around see all the guests, all the set up and everything is amazing. That high, that moment is worth every pain, every tear and sweat and every bad word I've screamed in my head!

Why does everything we do need a reason?

Ahhhh.... trick question! I think it has something to do with purpose. I guess we need a purpose in life and that reason is what, ultimately, drives us further and pushes us to try more and harder...

If you could do it all over again, what would you change?

Seriously, and this is not a cliche, I wouldn't change a thing. Every bad decision I made had a purpose, a reason. I grew with every single moment of my life, I am what I am because I'm the sum of my experiences. If I'd changed something, I wouldn't be who I am today... And quite frankly, I kinda like me as I am right now ;)

What is your greatest regret?

The other day I found an image that said "Some of my biggest regrets are haircuts", I'll make these words my own. :p

What do you consider to be your greatest achievement?

Getting in touch with my inner self and really having a hard and honest look at my life and myself. To balance my most practical self with my spirituality and reconcile both in a balanced way. I feel more evolved and a better human being because of this and by changing how I see myself, I changed the way I see the world and deal with life. That is certainly my greatest achievement so far...

What's more important: creativity or success?

Success that rises from creativity.

How much success do you need?

I'm an ambitious girl, but most of all I just want to be successful in being the best person, the best human being, I can possibly be.

How much creativity do you need?

As a good friend of mine would say, I'm a doer. I am inspired by other people's creativity and I like to make those creative ideas come to life. I need creativity to live and be inspired and just to breath a little bit more easier...

Is risk part of your creativity?

I wouldn't describe myself as a very creative person... but I do feel that risk goes hand in hand with creativity. Sometimes you have to go where no one else went to push the boundaries of creative thinking and sometimes things go wrong, sometimes they go great... There's always a risk factor, but that's also what makes it so exciting! 

Can you learn creativity?

Up to a point, yes. In the sense that you can exercise your creativity by putting yourself in positions that will push it. This blog, for example, is a way for me to push my creativity when it comes to writing and to communicate my views of the world. That said, that special little something can't really be learned. You either have it or you don't!

What does success tastes like?

I will tell you the day I die... For now, there's always something more to achieve...

Do you think success is a journey or a destination?

Definitely a journey!!

Do you resist following your instincts?

NO! Sometimes, I wish I had, other times I'm glad I didn't. At the end of the day, it's a learning process and you also learn to fine tune your instincts with every bump in the road, so I continue to follow them. If I fall, oh well.. I will live to fight another day!

Are you inspirational or irrational?

I would say neither. But, some friends tend to depict me as inspirational because of my balance between rationality and feeling... I don't know! I continue to say I'm neither.

Where does inspiration come from?


What is your greatest extravagance?

As a material girl, my answer is shoes!!! As a spiritual girl, my answer is to learn to love myself everyday.

Which temptation can you never resist?

Shoes and cookies and books and fashion magazines! Oh... and to continue to believe in love...

From which mistake did you learn the most?

Tough, tough question... I would say that my biggest mistakes are often related to how I perceive people. Let's just say I had a few disappointments along the way that made me see just how wrongly I am able to judge people...

And why are you so afraid of making mistakes?

I am really not afraid of making mistakes... it's a part of life and growing, I consider them part of my journey, even when I make them over and over again.

What's worse: failing or never trying?

Never trying, I hate the "what ifs"...

Do you turn constraints into an opportunity?

I wish I would do that more often than I do...

Which person do you compare yourself to the most?


Do you always use the same words when you congratulate someone?

Yeah I do... Shit, that's not good, right?!?!?

Should you always be sincere?

Hummmm... this is not a black and white area, there's a hundred shades of grey in this question.

On what occasion do you lie?

When it's an act of kindness...

Which words or phrases do you overuse?

I guess... Well... Love... Wrong...

Which words smell?

Cheese, feet, sunflower, roses, cigarettes, perfume...

Are you only as good as your last collection?

No!!! And this is valid as well for "your last mistake". We, as human beings, are in constant evolution, your last is never your last...

Is tomorrow more important than yesterday?

Yes, if you also take with you the lessons from yesterday to make tomorrow a better day.