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I want to start a Revolution....!

Tuesday, October 29, 2013 Papillon 0 Comments Category : , ,

secretproject revolution is a short film directed by Madonna and Steven Klein.

This film launches Art for Freedom, a global initiative to further freedom of expression, created by Madonna, curated by VICE and distributed by BitTorrent.

Art for Freedom encourages the world to express their personal meaning of freedom and revolution in the form of video, music, poetry and photography. Anyone can join the revolution by uploading original artwork to ArtforFreedom.com or by using the tag #artforfreedom

That said... Let me tell you something about this video!

Madonna, the eternal material girl, does not want to start a global revolution that you can upload on your iphone, even though there's an hashtag, uploads, websites and everything digital involved. 
What I take from this manifesto is this:

A revolution is ALWAYS  a re-evolution and it must start, first and foremost, within. Yes, you can hear the crowd scream and you can join them. Yes, you can carry signs with strong words that someone else wrote. Yes... But, will it matter if your mind and your heart don't follow?...

The revolution must start within, the evolution must start with ourselves and grow from there.
This is my manifesto....